Dena Rashes
Secretary of the Board of Trustees , Jewish Federations of North America

Dena Boronkay Rashes is Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) and also serves as the Chair of the Lay Leadership Development Committee and a member of the Israel Emergency Response Committee. An alumna of Wellesley College, Dena serves on the Wellesley College Board of Trustees. She is also a Board Member of Hillel at Stanford and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).
Dena is a current Co-Chair of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP) Cynthia and Leon Shulman Acharai Leadership Program. She is immediate past Secretary of CJP’s Board of Trustees and during her decade of board service she also served as Chair of the Committee on Development and an Annual Campaign Co-Chair. Dena is a former President of the Board of The Rashi School, where she held multiple responsibilities over her 12 years as a board member, including Chairing the Development and Governance Committees and Co-Chairing the Capital Campaign to build the school’s permanent home.
Prior to leaving the workforce to care for her growing family, Dena worked as an investment banker. Dena and her husband Michael live in Newton, Massachusetts and are the proud parents of Emma, Lily, Daniel, and Hailey.