Chair, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF)
Executive Director, BeWell, Jewish Federations of North America
Vice President of Philanthropic Services, Rose Community Foundation
Co-Chairperson , Fischer Pharmaceutical Ltd
Treasurer, Jewish Federations of North America
Relationship Manager, Brown Brothers Harriman
V. P of External Relations, Tribe of Nova Foundation
Atlanta Field Manager, jscreen
Vice President, Community Relations, Jewish Federations of North America
Founder, Hindu American Seva Communities
Rosh Kehilla of the Downtown Minyan in NYC and Scholar in Residence at the Maimonides Fund
Co-Founder and Head of Programs, Pause to be Present
Regional Managing Director, Glenmede Trust Company, N.A.
Senior Vice President and Director General of JFNA Israel, Jewish Federations of North America
Co-Chairs, International Lion of Judah Conference
CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester
Founder and Chair, Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes by Hamas against Women and Children and the Dvora Institute for Gender and Sustainability Studies
Co-Founder, Chief Engagement Officer , Pause to be Present
Student and Activist, Columbia University
Commissioner, Civil Rights Department, State of California
President & CEO, Jewish Federations of North America
President and CEO, Jewish Federation of San Diego
Managing Director, Lay Leadership Development, Jewish Federations of North America
Immediate Past Chair, National Women’s Philanthropy, Jewish Federations of North America
Sister of Israeli Hostage
Founder, Summer Camps Israel
Chair Israel & Overseas, Jewish Federations of North America
President, Chief Clinical Officer, and Founding Executive Director, jscreen
Chair of Women’s Philanthropy and member of UJA New York’s Board of Directors Executive Committee
First Lady of the State of Israel
Third-Generation Owner, Brunswick Companies
Co-President , Hirsch Legacy Fund
Senior Advisor to the President for Energy and Investment
Incoming Co-Senior Rabbi , Temple Emanuel in Denver, Colorado
Executive Chair, GOJO Industries
CEO, National Council of Jewish Women
Co-Chair of the International Lion of Judah Conference.
Chair, National Women's Philanthropy, Jewish Federations of North America
Philanthropy Co-Chair, Cabinet Executive Team, Jewish Federations of North America
Chief Impact & Growth Officer, Jewish Federations of North America
President & CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
CEO, Israel Trauma Coalition
Founder, Jewish Future Promise
News Anchor, Channel 12 Israel News
Chair, Center for Jewish Belonging , Jewish Federations of North America
Chief Operating Officer, Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools
Director of Public Relations and Strategic Partnerships , LiUNA
Division President, US Radiology Specialists
Chief of Global FRD, The Jewish Agency for Israel
Founder/Director, Divorce & Discovery New Visions for Jewish Healing
Chair, Israeli Lions of Judah
Vice President of Government Relations, Jewish Federations of North America
President, Micah Philanthropies
Senior Wealth Advisor & Team Leader, MAI Capital Management
Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jewish Federations of North America
Co-Founder + CEO, Jewish Women INVEST
Secretary of the Board of Trustees , Jewish Federations of North America
Director of the Fund for the Victims of Terror, The Jewish Agency for Israel
Director of Strategic Partnerships , Sixpoint
Rabbinic Scholar and Public Affairs Advisor, Jewish Federations of North America
President, Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Co-Author, Chutzpah Girls
Founder, Schrayer & Associates
Founder, White Rose Society
Pediatric Psychologist, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Managing Director - Investment Officer, Wells Fargo Advisors
a released hostage and the wife of Keith Siegel
Co-Author, Chutzpah Girls
CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Managing Director, Education Initiatives and Civic Engagement, Jewish Federations of North America
International Lion of Judah Conference Founder
Executive Director, Be The Narrative
Executive Director, ICAR Collective
Managing Director, Private Wealth Advisor, Merrill Private Wealth Management
Education and Outreach Manager, jscreen
Chief Jewish Learning Officers, Jewish Federations of North America
Member of JDC Ukraine Crisis Team, JDC
Co-Chair, National Young Leader Cabinet, Jewish Federations of North America
President, Nachshon Ventures LLC