
Wendy Abrams

Chair, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF)

Anila Ali

Women Rights Advocate

Sara Allen

Executive Director, BeWell, Jewish Federations of North America

Judy Altenberg

Vice President of Philanthropic Services, Rose Community Foundation

Aviva Averbuch

Business Owner

Sigal Bar-On

Co-Chairperson , Fischer Pharmaceutical Ltd

Suzanne Barton Grant

Treasurer, Jewish Federations of North America

Ali Bauer

Relationship Manager, Brown Brothers Harriman

Millet Ben Haim

V. P of External Relations, Tribe of Nova Foundation

Orit Berliner

Atlanta Field Manager, jscreen

Evan Bernstein

Vice President, Community Relations, Jewish Federations of North America

Anju Bhargava

Founder, Hindu American Seva Communities

Dr. Mijal Bitton

Rosh Kehilla of the Downtown Minyan in NYC and Scholar in Residence at the Maimonides Fund

Cheryl Brause

Co-Founder and Head of Programs, Pause to be Present

Bethany Bryant

Regional Managing Director, Glenmede Trust Company, N.A.

Rebecca Caspi

Senior Vice President and Director General of JFNA Israel, Jewish Federations of North America

Dana Keller and Danielle Wild

Co-Chairs, International Lion of Judah Conference

Meredith Dragon

CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester

Talia Eilat

Israeli Paralympian

Dr. Cochav Elkayam-Levy

Founder and Chair, Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes by Hamas against Women and Children and the Dvora Institute for Gender and Sustainability Studies

Stephanie Falk

Co-Founder, Chief Engagement Officer , Pause to be Present

Noa Fay

Student and Activist, Columbia University

CeCe Feiler

Commissioner, Civil Rights Department, State of California

Eric Fingerhut

President & CEO, Jewish Federations of North America

Heidi Gantwerk

President and CEO, Jewish Federation of San Diego

Rebecca Gerbert

Managing Director, Lay Leadership Development, Jewish Federations of North America

Carolyn Gitlin

Immediate Past Chair, National Women’s Philanthropy, Jewish Federations of North America

Eden Golan


Rachel Goldberg-Polin

Hostage Advocate

Matt Goldstein

CEO, jscreen

Yarden Gonen

Sister of Israeli Hostage

Shawna Goodman

Founder, Summer Camps Israel

Sara Gottlieb

Chair Israel & Overseas, Jewish Federations of North America

Karen Grinzaid

President, Chief Clinical Officer, and Founding Executive Director, jscreen

Irit Gross

Interim CEO, OneTable

Kim Hartman

Chair of Women’s Philanthropy and member of UJA New York’s Board of Directors Executive Committee

Patricia Heaton

Actress and Activist

Michal Herzog

First Lady of the State of Israel

Michelle Hirsch

Third-Generation Owner, Brunswick Companies

Michele Hirsch

Co-President , Hirsch Legacy Fund

Dana Hirt

OPAC Chair, JUF Chicago

Amos Hochstein

Senior Advisor to the President for Energy and Investment

Rabbi Emily Hyatt

Incoming Co-Senior Rabbi , Temple Emanuel in Denver, Colorado

Marcella Kanfer Rolnick

Executive Chair, GOJO Industries

Sheila Katz

CEO, National Council of Jewish Women

Dana Keller

Co-Chair of the International Lion of Judah Conference.

Iris Kraemer

Chair, National Women's Philanthropy, Jewish Federations of North America

Emily Kranz

Philanthropy Co-Chair, Cabinet Executive Team, Jewish Federations of North America

Mimi Kravetz

Chief Impact & Growth Officer, Jewish Federations of North America

Renee Kutner

President & CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

Talia Levanon

CEO, Israel Trauma Coalition

Mike Leven

Founder, Jewish Future Promise

Yonit Levi

News Anchor, Channel 12 Israel News

Joan Lubar

Chair, Center for Jewish Belonging , Jewish Federations of North America

David Lubin

Father, Advocate

Elissa Maier

Chief Operating Officer, Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools

Victoria Mancinelli

Director of Public Relations and Strategic Partnerships , LiUNA

Sigal Manzuri

Mother and Activist

Lindsay Muns

Division President, US Radiology Specialists

Danyelle Neuman

Chief of Global FRD, The Jewish Agency for Israel

Rabbi Deborah Newbrun

Founder/Director, Divorce & Discovery New Visions for Jewish Healing

Sarah Oren

Chair, Israeli Lions of Judah

Karen Paikin Barall

Vice President of Government Relations, Jewish Federations of North America

Ann Pava

President, Micah Philanthropies

Marla Petti

Senior Wealth Advisor & Team Leader, MAI Capital Management

Julie Platt

Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jewish Federations of North America

Robyn Polansky Morrison

Co-Founder + CEO, Jewish Women INVEST

Jon Polin

Father, Advocate

Dena Rashes

Secretary of the Board of Trustees , Jewish Federations of North America

Yael Raz

Director of the Fund for the Victims of Terror, The Jewish Agency for Israel

Rae Ringel

Executive Coach

Michelle Rojas-Tal

Director of Strategic Partnerships , Sixpoint

Maya Roman

Media Strategist

Liz Rose

Digital Influencer

Rabbi Isaiah Rothstein

Rabbinic Scholar and Public Affairs Advisor, Jewish Federations of North America

Natalie Sanandaji

Nova Festival Survivor

Winnie Sandler Grinspoon

President, Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Tami Schlossberg Pruwer

Co-Author, Chutzpah Girls

Liz Schrayer

Founder, Schrayer & Associates

Eytan Schwartz

Film Producer

Gilad Segev

Founder, Project Heroes

Linda Selig

Founder, White Rose Society

Dr. Jenna Shapiro

Pediatric Psychologist, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Fay Sheppard

Managing Director - Investment Officer, Wells Fargo Advisors

Aviva Siegel

a released hostage and the wife of Keith Siegel

Julie Silverstein

Co-Author, Chutzpah Girls

Gayle Slossberg

CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven

Lauren Steinberg

Managing Director, Education Initiatives and Civic Engagement, Jewish Federations of North America

Susan K. Stern

International Lion of Judah Conference Founder

Anat Sultan-Dadon

Consul General

Judith Sydney

Co-Founder , TribeTalk

Andrew Terkel

Executive Director, Be The Narrative

Gila Tolub

Executive Director, ICAR Collective

Audrey Tuckerman

Managing Director, Private Wealth Advisor, Merrill Private Wealth Management

Shari Ungerleider

Education and Outreach Manager, jscreen

Rabbi Mike Uram

Chief Jewish Learning Officers, Jewish Federations of North America

Inna Vdovychenko

Member of JDC Ukraine Crisis Team, JDC

Beth Wayne

Co-Chair, National Young Leader Cabinet, Jewish Federations of North America

Jason Wuliger

President, Nachshon Ventures LLC